Photography idea – history of cameras

After my meeting with Rosie about my film idea involving an historial look into photography, i found myself thinking about the photo project. I am fond of film photography and own a selection of cameras, so i was thinking about using film and digital in a way to represent the history of cameras. My idea was mainly based on the camera, thinking of different cameras and how i’d get my hands on them and develop the photos. I also liked the idea of possibly involving paintings and phones to contrast the timeline. I got stuck on the idea of the photographs though. My idea became photos that represented the time of the camera. I thought of similar situations in which people could be, like a birthday, and would set up a sinario in which to take each photo.

Another idea involved taking photos that would become one photo, like a collage. I liked this idea because i felt it would show that the technology may have changed, but it’s still all about the  finished product – the photo.  

My initial idea read:

taking photos of the same event with different cameras & dressed to fit that time – shows the evolution of our relationship with photo taking. Polaroid, B & W, disposable  webcam, phone. All the photos join up and create one photo – landscape situation. 


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